Essential eBooks for Geoscience Research
GSW eBook collections provide integrated, high-value, full-text content with the convenience of a download.
The Complete Collection includes 2,500+ eBooks and 41,000+ book chapters from the years 1926–2025. The collection includes monographs, handbooks, field guides, and case studies.
Subject areas covered in the Complete Collection:
Areal & structural geology, economic geology, environmental & engineering geology, geochemistry, geophysics, hydrogeology & hydrology, mineralogy & crystallography, mathematical geology, paleontology, petrology, stratigraphy & historical geology, surficial geology & soils.
Library Benefits
- Access ebooks from 15+ global publishers in one collection
- Nonprofit model reinvests in geoscience community
- Monthly updates provided to all major discovery services
- MARC records and KBART files for each title
- Participant in LOCKSS
- Pricing tiered to number of geoscientists, not FTE
- One-time purchase with perpetual access
- Unlimited simultaneous users
- No ongoing fees
- Flexible sales models including custom collections available
Researcher Benefits
- eBooks are published by trusted, highly-respected scientific societies
- eBooks are cross-searchable and interlinked with the GSW Journals and the GeoRef database for a comprehensive research experience
- DRM-free: Readers can print, copy & paste, and download PDFs by chapter
- Download enhanced images for use in presentations
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- OpenGeoSci search tool for location-based research